【同义词辨析】 2018-09-05 松弛limp-sleazy

limp: implies a lack or loss of stiffness of body and a resulting tendency to droop: a faded flower on a ~ stem. droop下垂: she was so tired, her eyelids were beginning to droop她太累了,眼睑开始下垂   fade退色,凋谢是wither

floppy: applies to a something that sags or hangs limply and is likely to suggest flexibility and a natural or intended lack of stiffness: wore a large ~ garden hat that shaded her eyes.

flaccid: applies primarily to living tissues and implies a loss of normal and especially youthful firmness or a lack of force or energy or substance: a ~ resolve that easily gave way.

flabby: in its application to material thing is very close to flaccid, but it also suggests spinelessness, spiritlessness, or lethargy: a ~ substitute for a hero.

flimsy: applies to something of such looseness of structure or insubstantiality of texture as to be unable to stand up under strain; it may also stress a lack of real worth or of capacity for endurance: a ~ excuse.

sleazy: implies a flimsiness due to cheap or careless workmanship and may stress a lack or inferiority of standards: a ~ tale of second-rate intrigue.      (intrigue两个意思,1阴谋,2着迷感兴趣=interest)

limp松软下垂: 缺乏硬度容易下垂,floppy柔软: 表示灵活自然地下垂,符合希望(~ disk软盘),flaccid松弛: 身体组织失去青春的紧质,或缺乏力量能量质地,flabby松弛或无力: 形容身体组织时和flaccid相同,但还表示没骨气没精神倦怠,flimsy: 结构松散缺乏质地抗不了压力,还表示廉价不耐用,sleazy低劣: 做工低廉粗糙没有标准(该词常表示某地肮脏破烂低级低俗,如sleazy magazines粗俗低级杂志)

记忆方法: 1)首字母LFFFFS中LS想成老是4F想成失败<==因为松弛

        2)松弛的意思是质地材料结构缺乏硬度mean deficient in firmness of texture, substance, or structure.